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M.S. Ramgopal
Co-Owner PrezoTraining.com

Get free in your inbox :

  • 16 super short emails with easy to implement techniques
  • Discover 30 second tricks to instantly make your slides creative 
  • Learn how to create professional slides that make you look good in front of your boss, colleagues and audiences

Just 100% Awesome content. No SPAM

Popular & New Training Programs

Comprehensive: Ramgopal's PowerPoint Mastery Program

Learn the 4 Step proven system used by top selling course creators to create clear & compelling promo videos fast.
Includes: Fill in the blank video script & animated PowerPoint templates 

Complete PowerPoint Foundation Course

Master Fundamentals of PowerPoint from scratch. Build Professional slides with Confidence. From Basics to Advanced. 
Includes extensive sections on new features of PowerPoint on Office 365.

This course is included in PowerPoint Mastery Program. 

How to Create A Course Promo video That Sells

Learn the 4 Step proven system used by top selling course creators to create clear & compelling promo videos fast.
Includes: Fill in the blank video script & animated PowerPoint templates

This is not a PowerPoint course & is not included in Mastery Program. 

PowerPoint Template Packs:

NEW! 220 Interactive PowerPoint Quiz Templates Pack

Create excitement & make learning fun with games in your classroom! 

Latest PowerPoint Tutorials & Creative Ideas

3 Creative Data Driven Chart Ideas for Training
Are you tired of using default chart types in your presentation?Do you want to spice up your chart slides for[...]
Why only Visual slides get your audience’s attention
In the last article, we explored the first of the three powerful spam filters of the old brain – called[...]
More meaningful alternatives to boring bullet point slides in PowerPoint
Most of the bullet point slides in a presentation are boring and forgettable. In this article, I will show you[...]
GIF Animation effect in PowerPoint
Learn how to create GIF Animation effect in PowerPoint. Click Play to watch the PowerPoint Tutorial Video below: You can[...]
Make Attractive Doughnut Charts in PowerPoint
In this video you will learn how to create an attractive doughnut chart in PowerPoint. This is a useful infographic[...]
Creative Ideas For Quote slides in PowerPoint
In this video, you will find creative ideas for Quote slides in PowerPoint. Go beyond the usual text-heavy layout. That[...]